Difference Between Parts, Articles and Schedules of The Constitution

Many of us get confused about Parts, Articles, and Schedules in the Constitution. 

What are they exactly?
Why don't we find such terms in a normal textbook? or
Can we actually relate them to the Units, Chapters, and Appendixes in our textbooks?

Yes, they are very similar to the Units, Chapters, and Appendixes like in any other book but with different names. Let's see what they mean :

Parts - Units 

  • Like Algebra, Geometry etc., are the Units in mathematics OR kinematics, optics etc., are units in physics.

Articles - Chapters 

  • Like functions, real numbers, inequalities, exponents, polynomials etc., are chapters under algebra.

Appendixes - Schedules 

  • Schedules are lists in the constitution that categorizes and tabulates bureaucratic activity and policy of the government.
  • In other words, Schedules give extra information about the points referred to in various articles of the constitution.
  • The 12 Schedules present in the Indian Constitution will make our understanding and interpretations of the constitution better.
For example Part I, i.e., 'The Union and its territory' contains 4 Articles (1, 2, 3, & 4). Article 1 describes India, that is Bharat as a Union Of States, the states and the territories thereof shall be specified in the First Schedule. That means the main text of the constitution does not go into the details of the names and territories of the states under Art. 1. But the same can be referred to in the First Schedule.